INTRODUCTION to Managed Collaboration (MCO)

Managed Collaboration is the client-supplier method enabling to co-create solutions AND the trusted relationships needed to succeed. Together.

Initially, Managed Collaboration was conceived to address a critical need: seasoned project-based organizations had recognized that conventional sales methods do not provide the effective foundation needed to succeed in projects and solution business.


Project-based organizations:

Project-based suppliers

The MCO methodology was developed to provide a professional framework enabling client and supplier to co-create high-value Solutions AND the collaborative relationship needed to succeed together in the project, from “A to Z”.

An essential aspect of MCO is its provision of a common platform, tools, and practices that are readily comprehensible and applicable to both clients and suppliers. This facilitates the active involvement, contributions, and collaboration of stakeholders from diverse functions in the solution design and decision-making.

MCO is applied during the development phase, the crucial period in projects, when suppliers compete for selection by the client. Utilizing MCO during this phase provides you, as a supplier, with a distinct advantage over your competitors.

Solutions are made by teams and involve many roles and functions. MCO is for you if you are in Management, Sales Engineer, Account Manager, Project manager, Commercial Manager, Bid Manager, Marketing Manager, Field Engineer.