Who are we and what makes us unique?

We are committed to providing professional development to organizations and professionals engaged in solution business and complex projects

Because who else does it?

We advocate collaboration as the core doctrine of solution business.

Because solutions are collaborative endeavors, in their design, implementation, and operation. The ability to effectively manage collaboration, both internally and externally, is the critical capability that leads to success in project-based business.

We put under one roof trainings for both sales and procurement functions.

Because in solution business, clients and suppliers are not opposed. They have a mutual interest in developing a high-value solution (Hence collaboration).

We focus on collaboration established early in the project.

Because the early stages are where solutions are won or lost (refer to the McLeamy curve).

We are experienced business engineers ourselves.

We know what works and what does not. Our methods are directly actionable and effective. We practice what we preach.

We borrow from professional disciplines such as system engineering, project management, and value engineering.

Because their very purpose is to design and build successful solutions.

We oppose the application of B2C sales and procurement techniques to the field of solution business.

Because these practices (and mindset) are in essence transactional, adversarial, and often unethical.

We think “System”.

Because Systems are repeatable, integrative, and collaborative: exactly what we need in the solution business.

We have developed a body of knowledge and method: Managed Collaboration.

A structured framework helps to unpack the relationships enabling the development of high-value Solutions AND collaborative relationships with your customers and stakeholders.

We guarantee our performance and your results.

We are totally committed to our clients. We are your partner for life. We practice what we preach (bis).